Source code for leicaautomator.automator


- scan whole slide with *single regular matrix*
  - input template name
  - output leicaexperiment.Experiment
- find spots in whole slide
  - input leicaexperiment.Experiment
  - output list of dict
    - position: spatial position
    - well: well coordinate
- for every spot
  - do a scan
    - input
      - scan template name
      - x,y position in meters
    - output
      - stitched image -> added to dict, image: imgdata

# Keep

- whole glass marked with well positions
- compressed spot scan
- stitched spots
- list_of_wells.json without imgdata

from skimage import io, transform
from .viewer import *
from leicascanningtemplate import ScanningTemplate
import numpy as np

[docs]def find_spots(experiment): """Finds spots and return position of them in a list. Parameters ---------- experiment : leicaexperiment.Experiment Matrix Screener experiment to search for spots. Its assumed that the experiment contain a single well. If it contain several wells, only the first well will be searched for spots. Returns ------- list of regions from skimage.measure.regionprops Regions have these extra attributes: - ``real_x`` : ``x`` in meters. - ``real_y`` : ``y`` in meters. - ``x``, ``y``, ``x_end``, ``y_end`` : same as ``bbox``. - ``well_x`` : well x coordinate, from 0. - ``well_y`` : well y coordinate, from 0. """ stitched = experiment.stitched if not len(stitched): # try stitching stitched = experiment.stitch() if not len(stitched): return [] img_path = stitched[0] img = io.imread(img_path) # # resize for performance # max_size = 4096 # x,y = img.shape # factor = x / max_size # if factor > 1: # new_x = round(x/factor) # new_y = round(y/factor) # img = transform.resize(img, (new_x, new_y)) ## # Position of pixel 0,0 ## tmpl_path = experiment.scanning_template tmpl = ScanningTemplate(tmpl_path) field = tmpl.field(1, 1, 1, 1) # first field in first well # in meters x_start = field.FieldXCoordinate y_start = field.FieldYCoordinate # coordinates in pixels from TileConfiguration.registered.txt stitch_coord = experiment.stitch_coordinates(0,0) xmin = min(stitch_coord[0]) ymin = min(stitch_coord[1]) # pixel size in microns # metadata = experiment.field_metadata() x_px_size = float(metadata.Image.Pixels.attrib['PhysicalSizeX'])*1e-6 y_px_size = float(metadata.Image.Pixels.attrib['PhysicalSizeY'])*1e-6 # if factor > 1: # x_px_size *= factor # y_px_size *= factor # adjust in case first field is not placed at 0,0 # in meters real_x_start = x_start + xmin*x_px_size real_y_start = y_start + ymin*y_px_size ## # Find spots with different kind of filters ## viewer = ImageViewer(img) #viewer += CropPlugin() #viewer += EntropyPlugin() viewer += PopBilateralPlugin() viewer += MeanPlugin() # Li threshold gives lower threshold values then Otsu #viewer += LiThresholdPlugin() viewer += OtsuPlugin() #viewer += ErosionPlugin() #viewer += DilationPlugin() #viewer += MinimumAreaPlugin() #viewer += FillHolesPlugin() #viewer += LabelPlugin() viewer += RegionPlugin() # regions is a list of skimage.measure.regionprops labels, regions =[-1] # output of last plugin for region in regions: region.real_x = real_x_start + region.x*x_px_size region.real_y = real_y_start + region.y*y_px_size x_wells = sorted(set(r.well_x for r in regions)) y_wells = sorted(set(r.well_y for r in regions)) # find mean dx/dy between wells dxs = [] prev_median = get_x_median(regions, x_wells[0]) for x in x_wells[1:]: median = get_x_median(regions, x) dxs.append(median - prev_median) prev_median = median dys = [] prev_median = get_y_median(regions, y_wells[0]) for y in y_wells[1:]: median = get_y_median(regions, y) dys.append(median - prev_median) prev_median = median dx = np.mean(dxs) dy = np.mean(dys) print('Well distance x in microns:', str(dx*1e6)) print('Well distance y in microns:', str(dy*1e6)) # print offsets first_x, first_y = next(((r.real_x, r.real_y) for r in regions if r.well_x == 0 and r.well_y == 0), None) print('============') print('Well offsets') print('============') print('( well ) x[um], y[um]') print('-----------------------') # sort regions by well position regions = sorted(regions, key=lambda r: (r.well_x, r.well_y)) for r in regions: expected_x, expected_y = (first_x + dx*r.well_x, first_y + dy*r.well_y) offset_x = round((r.real_x - expected_x)*1e6) offset_y = round((r.real_y - expected_y)*1e6) # only print if offset above 1 micron if abs(offset_x) > 10 or abs(offset_y) > 1: print('(%2d, %2d) %5d, %5d' % (r.well_x, r.well_y, offset_x, offset_y)) return labels, regions
[docs]def get_x_median(regions, x): """Get median position of given regions. Parameters ---------- regions : list of RegionProperties List of regions with region.real_x and region.real_y set. x : int Which x well position to get median for. """ return np.median([r.real_x for r in regions if r.well_x == x])
[docs]def get_y_median(regions, y): """Get median position of given regions. Parameters ---------- regions : list of RegionProperties List of regions with region.real_x and region.real_y set. y : int Which y well position to get median for. """ return np.median([r.real_y for r in regions if r.well_y == y])